Learn to trust in the goodness and faithfulness of God and His purposes for your life.Be encouraged to wait on God's good work in your heart and mind, even in seasons when you feel like no one sees.Understand the value of seasons of growth and testing in your spiritual maturity. Join us & Priscilla Shirer on this 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount.When King Ahaziah asked his messengers who had given the message that he would die, they said it was a man who wore a leather belt (2Kings 1:8). Articles to enhance your study and application of the content His style (unlike that of Elisha) was to pronounce his message then quickly leave (2Kings 1:4).Seven enriching teaching videos, approximately 30-40 minutes per session, available for purchase or rent.Personal study segments to complete between 7 weeks of group sessions.In fact, there were 7,000 who had not bowed the knee to Baal.
No, here he is met with the still small voice. Here God doesn’t speak to Elijah through the great displays of power that he experienced on Mt. God comes to Elijah at the cliff of a mountain - on the edge of depression. At one time, Elijah thought he alone was left to carry on the work of God, but he was informed this was not the case at all. The phrase still small voice is found in 1 Kings 19:11-13.
Leader guide to help with questions and discussions within small groups Not only did Elijah minister to Elisha, but undoubtedly, Elisha became a great comfort and encouragement to Elijah. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now. Join Priscilla Shirer on this 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. Elijahs legendary faith grew stronger through the challenges Godsent his. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire. If ever there were a Biblical character deeply connected with God, it wasElijah. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Jezebel hated Israel’s God so much that she massacred most of His prophets, save for Elijah and 150 who hid in a cave with help from Obadiah ( 1 Kings 18:4 ), and replaced them with prophets of Baal. Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Elijah went into hiding because Ahab blamed him for a devastating drought. Blinded by the remarkable narratives of our biblical heroes, we can forget they each had a backstory-months and years of development, even difficulty, which fortified their spiritual muscle and prepared them for the tasks that made their lives unforgettable. And Elijah-calling down fire on Mount Carmel. If you need additional study guides for your group, pick up our individual study guide option (without a DVD) listed as the Elijah Companion Bible Study Guide in our store.Old Testament heroes are best known for their most celebrated moments: Moses dividing the Red Sea David slaying Goliath Gideon routing an insurmountable army Joshua marching around the defiant walls of Jericho. This Bible study bundle consists of ONE Bible study guide and ONE accompanying DVD with six video sessions. You were designed for community, to do life with others. Shirer offers seven-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. When God created the world, the only thing He deemed “not good” was that a person would be alone. You’ll build connections with the people in your group and grow in your faith as you study, learn, pray and even serve together.
Over the next six weeks, you’re going to study the life of Elijah in the context of community. He trusted even when tested.Įlijah serves as a great role model for us. But Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. There is a common belief that all religions are fundamentally the same. The Lesson of Inequality: All Religions Are Not the Same. I’m certain this would have been spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. Elijah’s contest with the prophets of Baal reveals four lessons that are as applicable today as they were in ancient Israel. It was a tremendous display of not only the power of the LORD, but it also showed that Elijah was a faithful prophet. He?knew that even in the hard times, God was with him. Elijah had just experienced a phenomenal victory of the prophets of Baal. While Elijah sometimes got discouraged, he didn’t give up. Elijah’s legendary faith grew stronger through the challenges God?sent his way. Youre the One Whos Been Called - Elijah Bible Study by Priscilla Shirer Lifeway Women 79.
If ever there were a Biblical character deeply connected with God, it was?Elijah.